Articles in the May 29th Edition of THE REVIEW
1. Churches begin programs to benefit at-risk children in Tennessee
2. Tennessee Conference United Methodist Women step forward to aid Bethlehem Centers of Nashville
3. Gordon Memorial Consecration of New Christian Education and Fellowship Wing Set
4. Native Moccasins Rock, festival and retreat, August 14,15, 16, 2009, Camp Lake Benson, Bon Aqua, Tennessee,
5. Message of the Week: Music often can lead us to God
6. Tennessee Conference selected as pilot conference for new scouting ministry
7. I'd Rather Have Jesus
8. Reaching Children with the Love of Christ—a reflection on "at-risk" children.
10. Funds raised by Feed America First’s Cajun Cookout on April 25th help to alleviate hunger in mostly underserved rural areas
Churches begin programs to benefit at-risk children in Tennessee
(Left to Right) Abby Hagan, Claire Osborn, Lauren Ryan, Emma, Beth Clark, Max Mucci, Drake Woodward.
(Left to Right) Ellie Bouvier, Haylee Clawson, Harrison Burch, Emma, Beth Clark, Lainey Bouvier, Lauren Burch, Haley Massey, Wesley Pope
Many churches around our Conference are creating special programs to benefit children at-risk. At Nolensville First United Methodist Church Beth Clark and Emma (Yorkshire Terrier) shared with the congregation’s children how they can share God's love by helping at-risk children in Matamoros, Mexico, and within the boundaries of the Tennessee Annual Conference.
The children will be following their Family Make-a-Difference Calendar which helps families understand the needs of at-risk children and suggests financial gifts that could help meet those needs. The children will also assist in baking goodies for a bake sale to raise money for their offering for annual conference.
See also Lydia New’s “Reaching Children with the Love of Christ.” Lydia New is an Intern with United Methodist Urban Ministries, Clarksville District
Tennessee Conference United Methodist Women step forward to aid Bethlehem Centers of Nashville
The need for the services and programs sponsored by the Bethlehem Centers of Nashville has never been greater—more and more people are requesting help. For example, the number of parents applying to get their children into summer camp is far ahead of past years. As the need for Bethlehem Center services grows, the downturn in the economy has caused some serious problems for the agency. Some major donors are unable to provide financial support this year – and likely for several years to come. Business income is down and cutbacks are the order of the day.
Louise Jordan (l) and Beverly Job (r) co-chairs of the Sarah Circle, Belmont UMC United Methodist Women, stand with Bethlehem Center Director Joyce Searcy during a recent tour of the Bethlehem Center facility.
The Shopping Bag front entrance
A mural done by Bethlehem Center youth depicts the hands of God wrapped around both the Bethlehem Center and people in the nearby community –words like security, care, safety, friendly, service, fun describe the Bethlehem Center ministry.
The Bethlehem Center is an historic institution and is designated so by an official Historic Marker
Joy Lewter prepares to make a presentation before the Bethlehem Center Board of Directors.
Bishop Wills strongly supports extraordinary efforts to assist the Bethlehem Centers of Nashville. Here he makes a commitment to the Bethlehem Center Board of Directors.
United Methodist Women pledge to help
Throughout its history the United Methodist Women have stepped forward to create essential ministries, and to help strengthen existing ministries when need arose. As this article goes to press, the founding group for the Bethlehem Centers of Nashville, the Women of the Methodist (now United Methodist) Church have vowed to assist the Bethlehem Center, financially, emotionally, and prayerfully. A formal announcement from Joy Lewter, president of the TN Conference UMW, indicates that the United Methodist Women will be raising funds to assist the ministry of the Bethlehem Centers of Nashville. In her announcement Lewter says: “The executive team of the Tennessee Conference United Methodist Women met Saturday, May 9, at Martin Methodist College. The group accepted Bishop Wills challenge and has developed a plan to help Bethlehem Center of Nashville. Each circle is being asked to take a love offering for Bethlehem center at each of their monthly meetings. District presidents are now in the process of contacting unit presidents and the conference treasurer is contacting the district treasurers to share the procedure for submitting the money to Women's Division and it will then be wired to Joyce Searcy at Bethlehem Center. Once the district treasurer receives the money, Bethlehem should have it within 5 days.
Gordon Memorial Consecration of New Christian Education and Fellowship Wing Set
By Celinda J. Hughes
Gordon Memorial United Methodist Church, under the leadership of Rev. Daniel M. Hayes, Sr., Senior Pastor/Teacher, will consecrate the new Christian Education and Fellowship Wing of the church, Sunday, May 31, 2009. Rev. John Collette, District Superintendent of the Nashville District, will conduct the consecration ritual, along with Rev. Hayes and key lay leadership from the Phase II Building, Trustee, Finance and Church Council ministries. Rev. Millard Hayes, Jr., St. Louis, Mo., will be the preacher for the 8:00 a.m. worship service. Rev. Rodney Hunter of Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church, Richmond, Va., will be the preacher, and his congregation and choir will serve, for the 10:45 a.m. service. “This is a momentous occasion in our 133 years of ministry, and is a critical turning point for our congregation and the Nashville community,” said Rev. Hayes. “It is an amazing testimony to the fruits of faithful people, even during the most difficult economic times.” This worship service will be the culminating event of a weekend of activities, including a prayer breakfast, Sat., 30 May, 9:00 a.m., facility tours at 11:00 a.m. and thirty days of congregational prayer, which began May 1.
Gordon Memorial United Methodist Church
The New Christian Education and Fellowship Wing will add over 20,000 square feet of renovated space to the existing structure. It will include 14 classrooms, 3 conference rooms, including the John and Hattie Tyler and the United Methodist Men’s conference rooms, office space for the music and media ministries, a new industrial kitchen, a food preparation kitchen and a 250 seating-capacity banquet hall.
Historic Gordon Memorial congregation
“The Phase II Building Ministry has completed the task the Gordon church family started some many years ago,” said Victor Tyler, Chairperson of the Phase II Building ministry. “The renovated building is a beautiful place. We do not gather in this place to applaud having a revitalized building with fashionable décor, fresh paint, or the latest technology.” Tyler continued, “Instead, we gather because it’s a place for fellowship, prayer, and study of the word. It’s a place where we are responsible for one another. In other words, it will be a place for witness, all ordained by God.”
In 2002, Gordon Memorial consecrated a new sanctuary, administrative offices, satellite kitchen, storage areas and the Barbara Gray Thomas multipurpose room. This effort was part of phase one of the long-range plan for building and renovating the entire Gordon Memorial Church campus. This effort, completed under the direction of Angella Current-Felder and George Moorman, was a massive project of more than 25,000 square feet. The church will now have over 46,000 square feet of ministry space, and, according to Rev. Collette, “Will position Gordon Memorial as an even more important part of ministry opportunities for the Tennessee Annual Conference.”
After months of construction and remodeling the new Christian Education and Fellowship Wing will be dedicated on May 31st.
According to Barbara Thomas, chairperson of the Missions, Health and Welfare ministry, “The new kitchen will mean we can expand our Meals on Wheels ministry that served over 2,500 meals in July 2007. The renovation will also help increase the number of persons reached through our Love in Action ministry to the homeless, where we served about 450 persons each month.”
Rev. Hayes said, “We expect to improve our summer internship program, which provides job training for committed teens, serving over 80 children per seven-week session with academic classes in math, reading, writing, leadership and creative arts. This facility expansion will offer well-equipped classrooms for our tutorial ministry, and for the ongoing learning and spiritual growth experiences provided through our Christian Education ministry.” Former Vice-Mayor, Howard Gentry, called this program, “The best kept secret in Nashville.” The program will resume in the new facility in 2010.
The Rev. Daniel Hayes
Rev. Hayes said, “The beautifully appointed banquet hall will be a showplace, open to the community, for large fellowship gatherings, dinners, receptions and a host of other events requiring a large space.” Hayes continued, “We plan to take ministry in this community, to a new level. In addition to our ongoing liturgical dance ministry, we will add aerobics exercise classes open to the community. Our drama ministry will now have a dedicated space for ministry as well. We will respond to God’s word and show our love through ministry with the same warm heart and personal touch of our founders, and those who struggled during economic downturns to build the historical church.”
Gordon Memorial United Methodist Church is located in the historical North Nashville community at 2334 Herman Street., surrounded by Fisk University, Tennessee State University and Meharry Medical College. For more information about the consecration weekend celebration and other worship and ministry opportunities, call (615) 329-2779 or (615) 321-9224, email: gordonumc@bellsouth.net, or visit us at http://www.gordonmemorialumc.com/
Native Moccasins Rock, festival and retreat, August 14,15, 16, 2009, Camp Lake Benson, Bon Aqua, Tennessee
This nationally known Tennessee Conference event features some of the nation’s top Native American artisans, story tellers, musicians, historians, and cultural experts. The event was originally designed as a way to train local church Native American Coordinators – but has grown to be a major arts festival, an examination of Native American history and culture, and a training ground for persons young and old who would like to develop skills in traditional arts. It is intriguing to watch TV shows like “Antiques Roadshow” where experts place incredible value on works of Native American art – and persons in the Tennessee Conference have an opportunity to learn those arts from the best – basket weaving, flintknapping, beading, soapstone carving PLUS learning storytelling, powwow drumming, the intricacies of playing the Native American flute, the meaning and performance of Native dances, and the creation of medicinal salves.
Jamie Russell, will be teaching workshops on flute playing. Bring a flute or get a cane flute from Jamie.
After the incredible impact of the Native American history series on Public Television – dealing in part with major governmental attempts to destroy Native American culture and spirituality, the total disregard of legally binding treaties, and even forced relocation of tribal people (Trail of Tears) – you are not going to want to miss this year’s edition of Native Moccasins Rock.
Photo Ragghi Rain, noted Native American storyteller, will help you weave your traditions into your story.
Unlike other festivals where you, as an adult, have great interest, and you “drag” the family along, this festival is also designed for children and youth with some separate workshops. I’ll never forget a teenager who became enthralled with the native flute . . . and became adept enough in three days to perform a song at the closing service. Others developed skills in pow wow drumming, and native dance. PLUS, Native Americans Rock becomes a major and helpful look for children and youth at early American history as it pertains to tribal people and their interaction with “invaders” from across the ocean. Remember, the first Thanksgiving would NOT have happened without the assistance of nearby tribal people. There were a WHOLE lot of fascinating school reports coming as a result of participation in past events.
Boe Harris, shares different dance styles in her class . . . and there is even a class on making a traditional dance shawl.
Whether you are a local church Native American Coordinator or a person interested in native culture, spirituality, and history, you are invited to this 8th annual gathering. “Take the day,” notes festival coordinator Mary T Newman, “or week end to meet people of varied tribal and spiritual traditions as we come together to honor Native American cultures. We celebrate and affirm heritage and gain respect and understanding for the many tribes and nations. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to be part of the circle and experience the gifts of culture through fellowship, music, fun and growth in your relationship with the Creator.”
Native Moccasins Rock is sponsored by the Tennessee Conference Native American Ministries. If you would like to receive a brochure and registration form contact Mary T Newman, 615-329-1177; 800-403-5795. For further information contact Mary T Newman directly or go to the Moccasins Rock website at http://www.moccasinfootprints.org/
Message of the Week: Music often can lead us to God
From Page 4B, Faith and Values Section, The Tennessean, Saturday, April 25, 2009
By Harry Robinson*
Sometimes when “one door shuts, God opens a window” reflects Maria to Captain von Trapp in The Sound of Music, which was staged in Franklin at Bethlehem UMC, ending on May 2nd. Just as it was true for the real life Maria, so many stories of faith begin with music.
My personal journey of faith began after being on the road as a musician for 23 years, sometimes for 300 days in a year, with artists such as Lee Greenwood and Dolly Parton. After retiring, opportunity took me to Martin Methodist College in Pulaski, Tenn. where my son was a student. A chance encounter forever changed the direction of my life.
Their music department was preparing a production of Harry Chapin’s Cotton Path Gospel and I was asked to assemble the show band. During a rehearsal, the department head casually asked where I had earned my music degree. I had gone straight to work after completing a tour of duty in Vietnam never achieving this goal. With his encouragement, I served as artist in residence at Martin, earned my degree and have now gone on to a career as a church music director currently serving at Bethlehem United Methodist Church in Franklin.
My relationship with God previously had been on and off. After completing an exhausting career, God opened a door and presented me with an opportunity to use my musical gifts to continue His work when I least expected it and most needed it.
Maria von Trapp’s faith story began with a similar chance encounter.
According to her biographers, orphaned as a child, she grew up in an anti-religious, socialist home. Maria was raised to be atheist and became actively cynical toward all religions. One day, as a young woman, she thought she was entering a busy church to attend a Bach concert. Instead, a large crowd had gathered to hear a visiting Jesuit priest, Father Kronseder.
Maria was captivated and was quoted as saying “I had heard from my uncle that all of the Bible stories were invention and old legends, and that there wasn’t a word of truth in them. But the way this man talked just swept me off my feet.”
After meeting with the priest, his confidence in his beliefs so swayed Maria that she eventually became a postulant in the Nonnberg Abbey in Salzburg. Her faith journey is a well-known story to us all as she went on to lead one of the world’s most famous musical families.
We used Maria’s story and the beautifully inspired music of Rodgers and Hammerstein in our latest production of our community theatre outreach program—The Bethlehem Players. In addition to our rich and diverse music program at Bethlehem, 12-years ago we established a theatre ministry outreach program. I like to call it our version of church softball.
Harry Robinson, left, with Sound of Music director Dietz Osborne. They have just been presented with an art piece depicting 13 years of Bethlehem Players’ productions
From a humble beginning of everyone pitching in and putting on a show, we have grown to a very well-respected community theatre program. It has served as a wonderful vehicle to provide people with a non-traditional way to enter the church for fellowship and enrichment. This program has also attracted one of the most talented cast of actors, singers, musicians and technical experts that our professional director, Dietz Osborne, has seen in a community theatre program in quite some time.
We have been able to convert our old sanctuary into a performing arts center and provide audiences with an incredible night of family entertainment. God has bestowed on each of us the gift of music that we are using to provide our visiting young actors a nurturing theatre experience, to provide our audience with an escape from the stress of everyday lives, and ultimately, to provide uplifting music and fellowship for all.
Psalm 150:3, “Praise Him with fanfares on the trumpet, praise Him on lute and harp; Praise him with tambourines and dancing, praise Him with flute and string, praise Him with the clash of cymbals, praise Him with triumphant cymbals, let everything that has breath praise the Lord.”
*Harry Robinson is the director of music and arts at Bethlehem United Methodist Church.
Tennessee Conference selected as pilot conference for new scouting ministry post
By Rich Peck
NASHVILLE, Tenn.––The United Methodist Office of Scouting Ministries has selected Tennessee Conference as a pilot area to test a volunteer position to help local churches establish and expand scouting ministry opportunities.
Montee Sneed, the scouting coordinator for Tennessee Conference, is the first to register as a “scouting ministry specialist,” a person who will encourage neighboring United Methodist Churches to launch Boy and Girl Scout troops, Venturing Crews, 4-H and Camp Fire clubs, and programs of Big Brothers/Big Sisters.
The specialist will also provide information about the Programs of Religious Activities with Youth (PRAY), training opportunities, and various awards for young people and adults.
“A family recently moved here from California,” said Sneed. “They asked someone on the way to Tennessee how to find a Scout troop. The gentleman answered, ‘It’s simple in the South. Just start at the courthouse and start circling the square in blocks. Very close by will be a United Methodist Church. You will find one there.’ They found us,” said Sneed who also serves as assistant scoutmaster for a troop related to First United Methodist Church of Columbia. “From the beginning, the Methodists taught civic virtues. So we still do. My prayer is that every United Methodist Church will be involved with at least one of the youth-serving agencies.”
Members of Troop 114, Columbia First United Methodist Church, proudly display the Bishop’s Award of Excellence (left to right) front row: Cooper and Seth Read; Dalton Greggs; middle row: Nick Ohlemacher, Matthew Hamilton; Unit Commissioner Montee Sneed; back row: Jim Hardin, Tennessee Scouting Conference Coordinator; John Ohlemacher, assistant Scoutmaster; Keith Winchester, Scoutmaster; and Jim Hughes pastor of First UMC, Columbia
Tennessee Conference has seven districts with varying numbers of churches. The Murfreesboro District is the largest with 67 churches and the Clarksville District has 65. The Columbia and Pulaski Districts each have 48 churches.
In an average district, 14 or fewer churches sponsor one or more Scout units. District scouting coordinators spend most of their time resourcing the churches that already have scouting units; they seldom have the time to help the other churches understand how scouting can enrich the lives of their youth and reach non-churched members.
“To say that our current model is flawed would be an understatement,” said Larry Coppock, director of scouting ministries and youth-serving agencies for the General Commission on UM Men. He noted that most general church programs effectively reach the 488 district superintendents, but the programs seldom reach the 26,000 pastoral charges.
In order to become a scouting ministry specialist, a candidate must:
· be 21 years of age or older
· provide proof of youth-protection training and/or take an online sexual-ethics and safe-sanctuaries course
· show a record of scouting/youth ministry experience
· read Scouting Guidelines
For an annual registration of $30, each specialist will receive a laminated membership card, a free subscription to Scouting News, training opportunities, and access to a series of pamphlets and information sheets describing scouting awards and programs.
The Office of Scouting Ministry is an arm of the Nashville-based General Commission on UM Men.
For further information, contact LeNisha Sayles (lsayles@gcumm.org) or Marc Stowe, mstowe@gcumm.org (866-297-4312).
I'd Rather Have Jesus
By Lucy Neeley Adams*
Discussing politics can be irritating. So I treasure the statement my friend made : "You can have all the leaders you want, but I'd rather have Jesus as my leader." I liked that because I cherish the memory of a special day when I read a story about the late Catherine Marshall. She wanted to go to college but the family did not have the money to send her. So her mother said, "Let's ask God to send money for that.
They prayed and trusted that money would come. Several weeks later, Mrs. Marshall received a check for a booklet she had written long ago about their state history and it provided tuition.
I was amazed that when she prayed she knew she was talking to someone who was listening. Could God become like that to me? I was a church member, and a ministers wife, but had not learned to pray from my heart about real needs.
After reading that story, I hesitantly prayed: "Lord, I don't know you. Please help me." Soon I discovered a prayer group in my church and I loved meeting other women who were also on a new journey with Jesus. We had a hunger for God's word and prayer.
There was a similar turning point that came to musician George Beverly Shea in the mid 1920's. One Sunday morning in the family home by the piano he discovered a poem with the title "I'd Rather Have Jesus." It stirred deep longings in his heart. He tells the story in his latest book, How Sweet the Sound: "At the age of twenty-three, I was living at home with my parents, continuing to work at Mutual Life Insurance and studying voice. Going to the piano one Sunday morning, I found a poem waiting for me there. I recognized my mother's handwriting. She had copied the words of a poem by Mrs. Rhea F. Miller, knowing that I would read the beautiful message, which speaks of choice. As I read these precious words:
I'd rather have Jesus than men's applause.
I'd rather be faithful to His dear cause.
I found myself singing the words in a melody that expressed the feelings of my heart."
Very soon he developed a radio music ministry with the purpose of sharing the Good News of Christ. When the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association was formed in the 1940's he was asked to become the soloist. After many years with this world wide ministry, Dr. Shea has officially retired but continues to accept invitations to sing God's praises. He makes his home in Montreat, NC, which is near the home of his friend Billy Graham.
On February 1, 2009, Dr. Shea celebrates his 100th birthday. His family and friends will be united in festivities full of music. Among the many hymns that he has made famous, "I'd Rather Have Jesus" will be a meaningful part of the rejoicing.
A few years ago, I had a memorable experience. Kurt Kaiser, also a composer, asked me if I would send my book, 52 Hymn Story Devotions, to his friend Bev Shea. He asked me to call him on the phone to explain why I was mailing my book to him.
I dialed the number thinking that his secretary would be taking his calls. But a very deep voice answered with a cheery, "Hello." I was taken by surprise so my stumbling response was a question: "Dr. Shea?" He laughed heartily and said, "Oh no, this is Bev Shea!"
I explained why I was calling. He thanked me and said that his latest book, How Sweet the Sound, included stories of some unknown hymns. He would like to send me a copy since I too loved music.
"If I don't get it to you right away," he said, "I would like to read you one of my favorite stories. The book is in the other room but I'll hurry to get it because I know this is your nickel." I agreed to wait, of course, because my nickel was of no importance at this point.
He quickly returned to the phone and read the story of a hymn, It was a powerful account of a soldier who was wounded in World War II. Being terrified and slipping in and out of consciousness, he began to sing his mothers favorite hymn, "Jesus Whispers Peace."
Evidently, it was familiar to the German soldier standing over him with a drawn bayonet. With tears in his eyes the German said, "Sing it again, sing it again." Then a very strange but wonderful thing happened. He was lifted into the arms of the German soldier who took him to a safe place where he would be found by American medics.
When our conversation ended, I thanked God. That special act of caring from Bev Shea to me, someone he did not know, is a reminder that a brother and sister in Christ are never strangers. The Body of Christ becomes one family after we each decide that we'd rather have Jesus.
Thank you God that love unites your spiritual family. Professing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior is the key. When we make that decision, you open the floodgates of love, joy, peace and purpose. Feed us with your Word, calm us with your presence. In Jesus name, Amen
Lucy Neeley Adams has always loved music. She began telling the story of hymns on Christian radio WWGM in Nashville, TN, in the '80s. She then wrote a newspaper column titled "Song Stories" for five years. During that time Lucy's book, 52 Hymn Story Devotions, was published by Abingdon Press in Nashville. Each of the 52 stories contained in the book is written in a devotional format, with the words of the hymn concluding each devotion. She may be reached for comment at lucya424@aol.com. Visit her at 52hymns.com
Reaching Children with the Love of Christ
By: Lydia New, Intern, United Methodist Urban Ministries, Clarksville District
“He's got my brothers and my sisters in His hands, He's got the whole world in His hands.”
These words from this traditional Christian hymn were comforting to me growing up, assuring me God has me in His hands. To many at risk children, these words mean nothing. They are faced every day with worries that no child should have, such as what they will eat, will an adult be available to keep them safe, and even will they have a safe place to sleep.
I have worked with at risk kids from different cities and each one has a different story. Each child has a underlying theme — they want to be loved. One boy I encountered in a backyard Bible club was the sweetest, well-mannered four year old I have ever met. However, his home life was not so good. Every time we picked him up for class, his mother and her boyfriend were always yelling at each other, at him and his siblings. Eventually his mom told us the child would no longer be attending our group. I know this little boy needs to know that someone loves him; not only us, but most importantly, Jesus.
I also worked with a little girl who had a loving mother who was doing all she could to make sure her children had food and a safe place to sleep, and that often meant moving to a different place each night. Her mom loved the children and cared for them to the best of her ability. This little girl needed to know there were others who also cared for her.
From these experiences and many others, I have learned a great deal about love and care as well as about the parents of at risk children. Not all at risk children are neglected or unloved. Since volunteering at Urban Ministries in Clarksville, I have seen so many parents who are doing everything they can to care for their children and show them love.
One mother came in with her three little ones and was needing food. Her children were so well-behaved and she was very loving toward them. She said they had just gotten out of a shelter in another state and she was working hard and trying to make it without child support so the father will not know where they were living. She disclosed a scary past, and she was an amazing mother.
In my observation, at risk children need to know love, not only from parents, but from others. Even if a person is only in a child’s life for one day, that one day can completely change that child’s life. All children want to be loved and it usually doesn’t take much for them to feel it. A smile, a hug and a “good job!” can be enough to boost that child’s self-esteem and love of themselves. And, if a child can learn to love who they are, they will be able to achieve much.
*Lydia New is a social work student from Austin Peay State University and performing her internship at Urban Ministries Grace Assistance Program in the Clarksville District.
Funds raised by Feed America First’s Cajun Cookout on April 25th help to alleviate hunger in mostly underserved rural areas
Donations to Feed America First can be sent to Feed America First, 1105 Blue Springs Road, Franklin, TN 37069.Every dollar donated to Feed America First provides enough food for 12-15 meals for hungry families.
Tom Henry, Executive Director of Feed America First, helps set up the food line outside the Feed America First warehouse, 315 Murfreesboro St., Murfreesboro, TN 37127
Get Your Tickets Here for some good Cajun food . . donations also accepted.
Service with a smile
Excellent music accompanied the excellent food—here is performer Peter Parker
"Hunger will cease to be a problem in America when we REFUSE to allow our neighbors to go hungry. The Cajun Cookout will help us raise the money we need to keep feeding hungry families," said Tom Henry prior to the event. Feed America First serves about 130 small, mostly rural agencies within a 150-200 mile radius of its Murfreesboro, TN warehouse.
1. Churches begin programs to benefit at-risk children in Tennessee
2. Tennessee Conference United Methodist Women step forward to aid Bethlehem Centers of Nashville
3. Gordon Memorial Consecration of New Christian Education and Fellowship Wing Set
4. Native Moccasins Rock, festival and retreat, August 14,15, 16, 2009, Camp Lake Benson, Bon Aqua, Tennessee,
5. Message of the Week: Music often can lead us to God
6. Tennessee Conference selected as pilot conference for new scouting ministry
7. I'd Rather Have Jesus
8. Reaching Children with the Love of Christ—a reflection on "at-risk" children.
10. Funds raised by Feed America First’s Cajun Cookout on April 25th help to alleviate hunger in mostly underserved rural areas
Churches begin programs to benefit at-risk children in Tennessee


Many churches around our Conference are creating special programs to benefit children at-risk. At Nolensville First United Methodist Church Beth Clark and Emma (Yorkshire Terrier) shared with the congregation’s children how they can share God's love by helping at-risk children in Matamoros, Mexico, and within the boundaries of the Tennessee Annual Conference.
The children will be following their Family Make-a-Difference Calendar which helps families understand the needs of at-risk children and suggests financial gifts that could help meet those needs. The children will also assist in baking goodies for a bake sale to raise money for their offering for annual conference.
See also Lydia New’s “Reaching Children with the Love of Christ.” Lydia New is an Intern with United Methodist Urban Ministries, Clarksville District
Tennessee Conference United Methodist Women step forward to aid Bethlehem Centers of Nashville
The need for the services and programs sponsored by the Bethlehem Centers of Nashville has never been greater—more and more people are requesting help. For example, the number of parents applying to get their children into summer camp is far ahead of past years. As the need for Bethlehem Center services grows, the downturn in the economy has caused some serious problems for the agency. Some major donors are unable to provide financial support this year – and likely for several years to come. Business income is down and cutbacks are the order of the day.






United Methodist Women pledge to help
Throughout its history the United Methodist Women have stepped forward to create essential ministries, and to help strengthen existing ministries when need arose. As this article goes to press, the founding group for the Bethlehem Centers of Nashville, the Women of the Methodist (now United Methodist) Church have vowed to assist the Bethlehem Center, financially, emotionally, and prayerfully. A formal announcement from Joy Lewter, president of the TN Conference UMW, indicates that the United Methodist Women will be raising funds to assist the ministry of the Bethlehem Centers of Nashville. In her announcement Lewter says: “The executive team of the Tennessee Conference United Methodist Women met Saturday, May 9, at Martin Methodist College. The group accepted Bishop Wills challenge and has developed a plan to help Bethlehem Center of Nashville. Each circle is being asked to take a love offering for Bethlehem center at each of their monthly meetings. District presidents are now in the process of contacting unit presidents and the conference treasurer is contacting the district treasurers to share the procedure for submitting the money to Women's Division and it will then be wired to Joyce Searcy at Bethlehem Center. Once the district treasurer receives the money, Bethlehem should have it within 5 days.
Gordon Memorial Consecration of New Christian Education and Fellowship Wing Set
By Celinda J. Hughes
Gordon Memorial United Methodist Church, under the leadership of Rev. Daniel M. Hayes, Sr., Senior Pastor/Teacher, will consecrate the new Christian Education and Fellowship Wing of the church, Sunday, May 31, 2009. Rev. John Collette, District Superintendent of the Nashville District, will conduct the consecration ritual, along with Rev. Hayes and key lay leadership from the Phase II Building, Trustee, Finance and Church Council ministries. Rev. Millard Hayes, Jr., St. Louis, Mo., will be the preacher for the 8:00 a.m. worship service. Rev. Rodney Hunter of Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church, Richmond, Va., will be the preacher, and his congregation and choir will serve, for the 10:45 a.m. service. “This is a momentous occasion in our 133 years of ministry, and is a critical turning point for our congregation and the Nashville community,” said Rev. Hayes. “It is an amazing testimony to the fruits of faithful people, even during the most difficult economic times.” This worship service will be the culminating event of a weekend of activities, including a prayer breakfast, Sat., 30 May, 9:00 a.m., facility tours at 11:00 a.m. and thirty days of congregational prayer, which began May 1.

The New Christian Education and Fellowship Wing will add over 20,000 square feet of renovated space to the existing structure. It will include 14 classrooms, 3 conference rooms, including the John and Hattie Tyler and the United Methodist Men’s conference rooms, office space for the music and media ministries, a new industrial kitchen, a food preparation kitchen and a 250 seating-capacity banquet hall.

“The Phase II Building Ministry has completed the task the Gordon church family started some many years ago,” said Victor Tyler, Chairperson of the Phase II Building ministry. “The renovated building is a beautiful place. We do not gather in this place to applaud having a revitalized building with fashionable décor, fresh paint, or the latest technology.” Tyler continued, “Instead, we gather because it’s a place for fellowship, prayer, and study of the word. It’s a place where we are responsible for one another. In other words, it will be a place for witness, all ordained by God.”
In 2002, Gordon Memorial consecrated a new sanctuary, administrative offices, satellite kitchen, storage areas and the Barbara Gray Thomas multipurpose room. This effort was part of phase one of the long-range plan for building and renovating the entire Gordon Memorial Church campus. This effort, completed under the direction of Angella Current-Felder and George Moorman, was a massive project of more than 25,000 square feet. The church will now have over 46,000 square feet of ministry space, and, according to Rev. Collette, “Will position Gordon Memorial as an even more important part of ministry opportunities for the Tennessee Annual Conference.”

According to Barbara Thomas, chairperson of the Missions, Health and Welfare ministry, “The new kitchen will mean we can expand our Meals on Wheels ministry that served over 2,500 meals in July 2007. The renovation will also help increase the number of persons reached through our Love in Action ministry to the homeless, where we served about 450 persons each month.”
Rev. Hayes said, “We expect to improve our summer internship program, which provides job training for committed teens, serving over 80 children per seven-week session with academic classes in math, reading, writing, leadership and creative arts. This facility expansion will offer well-equipped classrooms for our tutorial ministry, and for the ongoing learning and spiritual growth experiences provided through our Christian Education ministry.” Former Vice-Mayor, Howard Gentry, called this program, “The best kept secret in Nashville.” The program will resume in the new facility in 2010.
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Rev. Hayes said, “The beautifully appointed banquet hall will be a showplace, open to the community, for large fellowship gatherings, dinners, receptions and a host of other events requiring a large space.” Hayes continued, “We plan to take ministry in this community, to a new level. In addition to our ongoing liturgical dance ministry, we will add aerobics exercise classes open to the community. Our drama ministry will now have a dedicated space for ministry as well. We will respond to God’s word and show our love through ministry with the same warm heart and personal touch of our founders, and those who struggled during economic downturns to build the historical church.”
Gordon Memorial United Methodist Church is located in the historical North Nashville community at 2334 Herman Street., surrounded by Fisk University, Tennessee State University and Meharry Medical College. For more information about the consecration weekend celebration and other worship and ministry opportunities, call (615) 329-2779 or (615) 321-9224, email: gordonumc@bellsouth.net, or visit us at http://www.gordonmemorialumc.com/
Native Moccasins Rock, festival and retreat, August 14,15, 16, 2009, Camp Lake Benson, Bon Aqua, Tennessee
This nationally known Tennessee Conference event features some of the nation’s top Native American artisans, story tellers, musicians, historians, and cultural experts. The event was originally designed as a way to train local church Native American Coordinators – but has grown to be a major arts festival, an examination of Native American history and culture, and a training ground for persons young and old who would like to develop skills in traditional arts. It is intriguing to watch TV shows like “Antiques Roadshow” where experts place incredible value on works of Native American art – and persons in the Tennessee Conference have an opportunity to learn those arts from the best – basket weaving, flintknapping, beading, soapstone carving PLUS learning storytelling, powwow drumming, the intricacies of playing the Native American flute, the meaning and performance of Native dances, and the creation of medicinal salves.

After the incredible impact of the Native American history series on Public Television – dealing in part with major governmental attempts to destroy Native American culture and spirituality, the total disregard of legally binding treaties, and even forced relocation of tribal people (Trail of Tears) – you are not going to want to miss this year’s edition of Native Moccasins Rock.

Unlike other festivals where you, as an adult, have great interest, and you “drag” the family along, this festival is also designed for children and youth with some separate workshops. I’ll never forget a teenager who became enthralled with the native flute . . . and became adept enough in three days to perform a song at the closing service. Others developed skills in pow wow drumming, and native dance. PLUS, Native Americans Rock becomes a major and helpful look for children and youth at early American history as it pertains to tribal people and their interaction with “invaders” from across the ocean. Remember, the first Thanksgiving would NOT have happened without the assistance of nearby tribal people. There were a WHOLE lot of fascinating school reports coming as a result of participation in past events.

Whether you are a local church Native American Coordinator or a person interested in native culture, spirituality, and history, you are invited to this 8th annual gathering. “Take the day,” notes festival coordinator Mary T Newman, “or week end to meet people of varied tribal and spiritual traditions as we come together to honor Native American cultures. We celebrate and affirm heritage and gain respect and understanding for the many tribes and nations. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to be part of the circle and experience the gifts of culture through fellowship, music, fun and growth in your relationship with the Creator.”
Native Moccasins Rock is sponsored by the Tennessee Conference Native American Ministries. If you would like to receive a brochure and registration form contact Mary T Newman, 615-329-1177; 800-403-5795. For further information contact Mary T Newman directly or go to the Moccasins Rock website at http://www.moccasinfootprints.org/
Message of the Week: Music often can lead us to God
From Page 4B, Faith and Values Section, The Tennessean, Saturday, April 25, 2009
By Harry Robinson*
Sometimes when “one door shuts, God opens a window” reflects Maria to Captain von Trapp in The Sound of Music, which was staged in Franklin at Bethlehem UMC, ending on May 2nd. Just as it was true for the real life Maria, so many stories of faith begin with music.
My personal journey of faith began after being on the road as a musician for 23 years, sometimes for 300 days in a year, with artists such as Lee Greenwood and Dolly Parton. After retiring, opportunity took me to Martin Methodist College in Pulaski, Tenn. where my son was a student. A chance encounter forever changed the direction of my life.
Their music department was preparing a production of Harry Chapin’s Cotton Path Gospel and I was asked to assemble the show band. During a rehearsal, the department head casually asked where I had earned my music degree. I had gone straight to work after completing a tour of duty in Vietnam never achieving this goal. With his encouragement, I served as artist in residence at Martin, earned my degree and have now gone on to a career as a church music director currently serving at Bethlehem United Methodist Church in Franklin.
My relationship with God previously had been on and off. After completing an exhausting career, God opened a door and presented me with an opportunity to use my musical gifts to continue His work when I least expected it and most needed it.
Maria von Trapp’s faith story began with a similar chance encounter.
According to her biographers, orphaned as a child, she grew up in an anti-religious, socialist home. Maria was raised to be atheist and became actively cynical toward all religions. One day, as a young woman, she thought she was entering a busy church to attend a Bach concert. Instead, a large crowd had gathered to hear a visiting Jesuit priest, Father Kronseder.
Maria was captivated and was quoted as saying “I had heard from my uncle that all of the Bible stories were invention and old legends, and that there wasn’t a word of truth in them. But the way this man talked just swept me off my feet.”
After meeting with the priest, his confidence in his beliefs so swayed Maria that she eventually became a postulant in the Nonnberg Abbey in Salzburg. Her faith journey is a well-known story to us all as she went on to lead one of the world’s most famous musical families.
We used Maria’s story and the beautifully inspired music of Rodgers and Hammerstein in our latest production of our community theatre outreach program—The Bethlehem Players. In addition to our rich and diverse music program at Bethlehem, 12-years ago we established a theatre ministry outreach program. I like to call it our version of church softball.

From a humble beginning of everyone pitching in and putting on a show, we have grown to a very well-respected community theatre program. It has served as a wonderful vehicle to provide people with a non-traditional way to enter the church for fellowship and enrichment. This program has also attracted one of the most talented cast of actors, singers, musicians and technical experts that our professional director, Dietz Osborne, has seen in a community theatre program in quite some time.
We have been able to convert our old sanctuary into a performing arts center and provide audiences with an incredible night of family entertainment. God has bestowed on each of us the gift of music that we are using to provide our visiting young actors a nurturing theatre experience, to provide our audience with an escape from the stress of everyday lives, and ultimately, to provide uplifting music and fellowship for all.
Psalm 150:3, “Praise Him with fanfares on the trumpet, praise Him on lute and harp; Praise him with tambourines and dancing, praise Him with flute and string, praise Him with the clash of cymbals, praise Him with triumphant cymbals, let everything that has breath praise the Lord.”
*Harry Robinson is the director of music and arts at Bethlehem United Methodist Church.
Tennessee Conference selected as pilot conference for new scouting ministry post
By Rich Peck
NASHVILLE, Tenn.––The United Methodist Office of Scouting Ministries has selected Tennessee Conference as a pilot area to test a volunteer position to help local churches establish and expand scouting ministry opportunities.
Montee Sneed, the scouting coordinator for Tennessee Conference, is the first to register as a “scouting ministry specialist,” a person who will encourage neighboring United Methodist Churches to launch Boy and Girl Scout troops, Venturing Crews, 4-H and Camp Fire clubs, and programs of Big Brothers/Big Sisters.
The specialist will also provide information about the Programs of Religious Activities with Youth (PRAY), training opportunities, and various awards for young people and adults.
“A family recently moved here from California,” said Sneed. “They asked someone on the way to Tennessee how to find a Scout troop. The gentleman answered, ‘It’s simple in the South. Just start at the courthouse and start circling the square in blocks. Very close by will be a United Methodist Church. You will find one there.’ They found us,” said Sneed who also serves as assistant scoutmaster for a troop related to First United Methodist Church of Columbia. “From the beginning, the Methodists taught civic virtues. So we still do. My prayer is that every United Methodist Church will be involved with at least one of the youth-serving agencies.”

Tennessee Conference has seven districts with varying numbers of churches. The Murfreesboro District is the largest with 67 churches and the Clarksville District has 65. The Columbia and Pulaski Districts each have 48 churches.
In an average district, 14 or fewer churches sponsor one or more Scout units. District scouting coordinators spend most of their time resourcing the churches that already have scouting units; they seldom have the time to help the other churches understand how scouting can enrich the lives of their youth and reach non-churched members.
“To say that our current model is flawed would be an understatement,” said Larry Coppock, director of scouting ministries and youth-serving agencies for the General Commission on UM Men. He noted that most general church programs effectively reach the 488 district superintendents, but the programs seldom reach the 26,000 pastoral charges.
In order to become a scouting ministry specialist, a candidate must:
· be 21 years of age or older
· provide proof of youth-protection training and/or take an online sexual-ethics and safe-sanctuaries course
· show a record of scouting/youth ministry experience
· read Scouting Guidelines
For an annual registration of $30, each specialist will receive a laminated membership card, a free subscription to Scouting News, training opportunities, and access to a series of pamphlets and information sheets describing scouting awards and programs.
The Office of Scouting Ministry is an arm of the Nashville-based General Commission on UM Men.
For further information, contact LeNisha Sayles (lsayles@gcumm.org) or Marc Stowe, mstowe@gcumm.org (866-297-4312).
I'd Rather Have Jesus
By Lucy Neeley Adams*
Discussing politics can be irritating. So I treasure the statement my friend made : "You can have all the leaders you want, but I'd rather have Jesus as my leader." I liked that because I cherish the memory of a special day when I read a story about the late Catherine Marshall. She wanted to go to college but the family did not have the money to send her. So her mother said, "Let's ask God to send money for that.
They prayed and trusted that money would come. Several weeks later, Mrs. Marshall received a check for a booklet she had written long ago about their state history and it provided tuition.
I was amazed that when she prayed she knew she was talking to someone who was listening. Could God become like that to me? I was a church member, and a ministers wife, but had not learned to pray from my heart about real needs.
After reading that story, I hesitantly prayed: "Lord, I don't know you. Please help me." Soon I discovered a prayer group in my church and I loved meeting other women who were also on a new journey with Jesus. We had a hunger for God's word and prayer.
There was a similar turning point that came to musician George Beverly Shea in the mid 1920's. One Sunday morning in the family home by the piano he discovered a poem with the title "I'd Rather Have Jesus." It stirred deep longings in his heart. He tells the story in his latest book, How Sweet the Sound: "At the age of twenty-three, I was living at home with my parents, continuing to work at Mutual Life Insurance and studying voice. Going to the piano one Sunday morning, I found a poem waiting for me there. I recognized my mother's handwriting. She had copied the words of a poem by Mrs. Rhea F. Miller, knowing that I would read the beautiful message, which speaks of choice. As I read these precious words:
I'd rather have Jesus than men's applause.
I'd rather be faithful to His dear cause.
I found myself singing the words in a melody that expressed the feelings of my heart."
Very soon he developed a radio music ministry with the purpose of sharing the Good News of Christ. When the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association was formed in the 1940's he was asked to become the soloist. After many years with this world wide ministry, Dr. Shea has officially retired but continues to accept invitations to sing God's praises. He makes his home in Montreat, NC, which is near the home of his friend Billy Graham.
On February 1, 2009, Dr. Shea celebrates his 100th birthday. His family and friends will be united in festivities full of music. Among the many hymns that he has made famous, "I'd Rather Have Jesus" will be a meaningful part of the rejoicing.
A few years ago, I had a memorable experience. Kurt Kaiser, also a composer, asked me if I would send my book, 52 Hymn Story Devotions, to his friend Bev Shea. He asked me to call him on the phone to explain why I was mailing my book to him.
I dialed the number thinking that his secretary would be taking his calls. But a very deep voice answered with a cheery, "Hello." I was taken by surprise so my stumbling response was a question: "Dr. Shea?" He laughed heartily and said, "Oh no, this is Bev Shea!"
I explained why I was calling. He thanked me and said that his latest book, How Sweet the Sound, included stories of some unknown hymns. He would like to send me a copy since I too loved music.
"If I don't get it to you right away," he said, "I would like to read you one of my favorite stories. The book is in the other room but I'll hurry to get it because I know this is your nickel." I agreed to wait, of course, because my nickel was of no importance at this point.
He quickly returned to the phone and read the story of a hymn, It was a powerful account of a soldier who was wounded in World War II. Being terrified and slipping in and out of consciousness, he began to sing his mothers favorite hymn, "Jesus Whispers Peace."
Evidently, it was familiar to the German soldier standing over him with a drawn bayonet. With tears in his eyes the German said, "Sing it again, sing it again." Then a very strange but wonderful thing happened. He was lifted into the arms of the German soldier who took him to a safe place where he would be found by American medics.
When our conversation ended, I thanked God. That special act of caring from Bev Shea to me, someone he did not know, is a reminder that a brother and sister in Christ are never strangers. The Body of Christ becomes one family after we each decide that we'd rather have Jesus.
Thank you God that love unites your spiritual family. Professing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior is the key. When we make that decision, you open the floodgates of love, joy, peace and purpose. Feed us with your Word, calm us with your presence. In Jesus name, Amen
Lucy Neeley Adams has always loved music. She began telling the story of hymns on Christian radio WWGM in Nashville, TN, in the '80s. She then wrote a newspaper column titled "Song Stories" for five years. During that time Lucy's book, 52 Hymn Story Devotions, was published by Abingdon Press in Nashville. Each of the 52 stories contained in the book is written in a devotional format, with the words of the hymn concluding each devotion. She may be reached for comment at lucya424@aol.com. Visit her at 52hymns.com
Reaching Children with the Love of Christ
By: Lydia New, Intern, United Methodist Urban Ministries, Clarksville District
“He's got my brothers and my sisters in His hands, He's got the whole world in His hands.”
These words from this traditional Christian hymn were comforting to me growing up, assuring me God has me in His hands. To many at risk children, these words mean nothing. They are faced every day with worries that no child should have, such as what they will eat, will an adult be available to keep them safe, and even will they have a safe place to sleep.
I have worked with at risk kids from different cities and each one has a different story. Each child has a underlying theme — they want to be loved. One boy I encountered in a backyard Bible club was the sweetest, well-mannered four year old I have ever met. However, his home life was not so good. Every time we picked him up for class, his mother and her boyfriend were always yelling at each other, at him and his siblings. Eventually his mom told us the child would no longer be attending our group. I know this little boy needs to know that someone loves him; not only us, but most importantly, Jesus.
I also worked with a little girl who had a loving mother who was doing all she could to make sure her children had food and a safe place to sleep, and that often meant moving to a different place each night. Her mom loved the children and cared for them to the best of her ability. This little girl needed to know there were others who also cared for her.
From these experiences and many others, I have learned a great deal about love and care as well as about the parents of at risk children. Not all at risk children are neglected or unloved. Since volunteering at Urban Ministries in Clarksville, I have seen so many parents who are doing everything they can to care for their children and show them love.
One mother came in with her three little ones and was needing food. Her children were so well-behaved and she was very loving toward them. She said they had just gotten out of a shelter in another state and she was working hard and trying to make it without child support so the father will not know where they were living. She disclosed a scary past, and she was an amazing mother.
In my observation, at risk children need to know love, not only from parents, but from others. Even if a person is only in a child’s life for one day, that one day can completely change that child’s life. All children want to be loved and it usually doesn’t take much for them to feel it. A smile, a hug and a “good job!” can be enough to boost that child’s self-esteem and love of themselves. And, if a child can learn to love who they are, they will be able to achieve much.
*Lydia New is a social work student from Austin Peay State University and performing her internship at Urban Ministries Grace Assistance Program in the Clarksville District.
Funds raised by Feed America First’s Cajun Cookout on April 25th help to alleviate hunger in mostly underserved rural areas
Donations to Feed America First can be sent to Feed America First, 1105 Blue Springs Road, Franklin, TN 37069.Every dollar donated to Feed America First provides enough food for 12-15 meals for hungry families.





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